2009 - 2010

Our Grandchildren

Our Grandchildren

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Winter Wonderland in Louisiana

This morning I was woken up around 6:30am from Kelly saying "it's snowing in Baton Rouge". She, Margaret and Kyle were already outside playing in the snow. Then around 7:30am my sister Melanie called and said "it's snowing in LaPlace". Well that was just the first two calls. Well it was a surprise for us in south Louisiana. This has been the earliest we have had snow here in Louisiana and it has been the most we have ever had here (at least to my knowledge). If you want to see more pictures from our snow day, go to www.wsdsu.com and click the snow pictures. Unlike some places like Georgia and Tennessee schools in St. John the Baptist Parish remained opened. They were already at school by the time the snow started.




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